Dr. Eugene Clinic's Wellness Spec
(Negative Ion Energy Glasses)
Dr. Eugene Clinic’s Wellness Spec not only serves as a protection against harmful rays, but also has the ability to act as an improvement towards current eye issues.
It contains as high as 1500-2000 negative ion minerals with built-in FIR and ANION elements. It helps to increase blood circulation and elevate the supply of oxygen to the tissues surrounding the eyes, providing a cooling environment to relieve tiredness in your eyes. Very effective for dry eyes and watery eyes, in which you may be able to feel the effectiveness within a few hours.
Other benefits include……
· Improves eye strain, eye astringent (red eye), and other visual fatigue syndromes.
· Prevents or to improve myopia, presbyopia, glaucoma, astigmatism, floater eye and various eye diseases.
· Effectively prevents screen radiation and short wave blue light damage. Can shield off 99% of UV and other harmful light waves.
· Improves eye puffiness, dark circles, and fine lines around the eyes.